Friday, March 18, 2011

A new life ahead!

Its been a long long while since I visited my blog - actually I almost forgot about it!
Life has definitely moved on since I last wrote; almost a year and a half back. I graduated, got my driving license, worked in an investment firm for 10 months and am now 37 weeks pregnant with our first baby! That's sure been one eventful year!
Besides these very evident changes (specially my forever growing belly!), there have been more subtle changes in me. I have started loving quieter and sunnier Sunnyvale, love the convenience of having great Indian food all around (specially to satisfy my pregnancy cravings) and the beauty all around me. We have been to Carmel and Napa numerous times and it never gets old - the natural beauty is stunning! Let this picture speak for itself!
For the past 9 or so months, this baby-in-progress has taken over my life. Once she is here, I guess she is going to completely rule us. I can't wait to hold her, to see her and see her grow up everyday. I never thought that I could fall so madly in love with someone I have never seen! But I guess, I always wanted to be a mother; more than anything else in the world. Sometimes I feel guilty about wanting to stay at home, not "using" my education enough, not contributing to the home finances, not doing something "constructive" or "intellectual" enough. But then, isn't the baby the most precious thing I will ever own? Doesn't it make sense to guard her with my life; to be there for her, to help shape her future.

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